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General Information

About 135,000 samples are examined annually at the department as part of routine diagnostics. The focus is on bacteriological and mycological examinations, using a variety of methods.

These include classical detection methods, such as staining and culture, and extend to modern molecular biological and mass spectrometric analyses. Clinical microbiology thus provides methods for diagnosing pathogens and contributes to therapy by determining the resistance of bacteria and fungi. In addition to laboratory diagnostics aimed at pathogen detection and resistance determination, the department contributes to therapy, epidemiology and infection prevention together with other departments and is thus integrated into the field of "Infection Medicine".

The development of new and accelerated methods for pathogen diagnostics, mycology, Helicobacter pylori and the application of new sequencing methods for genome and microbiome analysis represent the current scientific focus of the department.

receiving office

Department of Clinical Microbiology

administration: Judith Trink

T.: +43 (0)1 40400-51560
Fax: +43 (0)1 40400-52280
E-Mail: general inquiry